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Procedure NameAnimal Health Certificate of Import


Health Certificate -Import

Responsible Agency       

Ministry of livestock, Forestry and Range

Address:  Mogadishu, Somalia



Official Website: 

Legal base of the Procedure

Veterinary Law 2016



Required Documents


Type of information



  1. Makes application for Health certificate

  2. Presents cargo and cargo documents

  3. Pays for Health Certificate

  4. Receives Health Certificate

Documents necessary for the application

Commercial bank rep

  1. Receives payment

  2. Issues deposit slip

MoL Finance official

Verifies payment


  1. Inspects/verifies health condition of animals

  2. Performs documentary check

  3. Issues health Certificate


Process Steps


Trader submits application and consignment documents

  1. Trader or their agent visits Ministry of Livestock (MoL) permit issuance office to submit application form and consignment documents;


Documentary Check and invoice issuance

  1. Livestock officer performs a document verification and asses the cargo after which an invoice is issued to the exporter


Payment for Health certificate by exporter

  1. Trader visits a commercial bank to make payment of $50 to the Ministry of Finance account.

  2. Commercial bank issues trader with signed and stamped deposit slip


Payment verification by MoL Finance office

  1. Trader presents the bank slip to MoL finance office for verification

  2. MoL finance office representative conduct due diligence on the proof of payment and other consignment documents submitted by exporter

  3. If the payment are verified and complete then trader is issued with a payment receipt.

  4. If the payments are not verified or they are incomplete, exporter is instructed to make requisite payments


Cargo inspection and Clearance by MoA

  1. MoL sends its officer to inspect the quality of agricultural consignment at the trader’s storage facility.

  2. If the goods meet the requirements then they are cleared and trader proceed to permit issuance office to issues clearance

  3. If the goods do not meet the requirements then the MoL declines to issue certificate


Health Certificate issuance and collection

  1. Trader visits the MoL permit issuance office to collect the Health certificate.


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirements to obtain Animal health certificate-ImportLicensing RequirementMinstry of Livestock, Forestry and RangeAnyone expecting to import or export animals to Somalia must fulfill all the requirements required by the ministry of livestock.Ministry of livestock plays a major role for the animal import and exportVeterinary Law09-09-9999Good